Friday, August 21, 2009


Have a great weekend. I would like to consume one of these, sans the $11 shipping rate. Dang. Australia. Sigh.
Buy it Here

Thursday, August 20, 2009

drop kick

I own this tshirt. Isn't it amazing? The guys at Birdland have the best tees. I was looking at Birdland tees on my blackberry one night when I spotted this gem. No contemplation was necessary and the shirt was purchased immediatly. I don't want to brag or anything but the day that I got it, Chooch himself hit a dinger against the Diamondbacks. This was the same night that, apparently, a Phillies fan won $1,000 in the Payoff inning thing. Now, I like to think that my wearing of the Panamania tshirt may have brough ol Chooch a little extra good luck. If the prize winner wanted to give me a little bit of a commission for arranging that good luck -- well, I certainly wouldn't object.

where did you come from?

I was in the shower about ten minutes ago. I began thinking about how much I love to update my facebok status, post links to things, listen to myself speak to the internet, drink wine and find funny news stories and and and and and and and how I've failed at blogging a gazillion times. Seriously, I used to have a blog about food and I dropped the ball on that one. I used to be angry but now I'm just hysterical.
I'm going to blog the shiiiiiii.... out of this blog, you wait and see. The blog name is a combo of FICHE, a former nickname + edelphia because I live in PHILADELPHIA and things that start with Phile- or end in -delphia tend to be successful, dissapointing and pretty damn addicitive. or whatever